Counselling Psychology of South Africa
Create understanding, unity and fair representation within the field of Psychology in South Africa.
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Strategic goals and objectives
About Us
Counselling Psychology SA (hereinafter referred to as “CPSA”) is a newly founded organisation. The organisation is registered as a Non-profit Organisation (NPO) with registration number 2019/263785/08. CPSA is dedicated to, and has already commenced with, representing the interests of Counselling Psychologists in South Africa.

An executive committee has been elected and is currently strategizing and planning to ensure the development of CPSA as a recognised entity within the field of Psychology in South Africa. CPSA’s constitution addresses issues relating to its functioning and objectives, but the need for a strategic plan was identified to assist in creating a strategic approach. This document will act as the current strategic plan of CPSA and can be made available to prospective partners and/or affiliates to create a level of awareness and understanding.

Read in order to establish a strategic plan for CPSA, we have identified 5 core elements that need to be established and addressed at this stage in the development of CPSA. The core elements are:

  1. Vision
  2. Mission
  3. Core Values
  4. Strategic Goals/Objectives
  5. Action Plans

Herewith will follow the description of the core elements as outlined in the adopted strategic plan of CPSA.

Core Elements and Strategic Plan of CPSA


Please note that there is a joining fee of R500 for psychologists to be added to your membership fee
And for a student/intern a joining fee of  R250 will be added to your membership fee

People with mental illness

Counselling Psychologists

Counselling Psychology SA (CPSA)

Counselling Psychology SA (CPSA)

IntroductionCounselling Psychology SA (hereinafter referred to as “CPSA”) is a newly founded organisation. The organisation is registered as a Non-profit Organisation (NPO) with registration number 2019/263785/08. CPSA is dedicated to, and has already commenced with,...

Counselling Psychology South Africa Code of Conduct

Counselling Psychology South Africa Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct1. Preamble.Counselling Psychology South Africa (CPSA) is a voluntary association that has been founded to represent the best interests of counselling psychologists, the practice of counselling psychology in South Africa and counselling psychology as a...

Counselling Psychology South Africa Grievance Procedure

Counselling Psychology South Africa Grievance Procedure

Grievance Procedure1. Introduction.As an Association that embraces diversity in all its forms, including freedom of expression, differences of opinion that can lead to tensions will inevitably arise from time to time. Whilst many of these tensions can be...

Constitution of Counselling Psychology South Africa (CPSA)

Constitution of Counselling Psychology South Africa (CPSA)

1. PreambleThe purpose of Counselling Psychology South Africa (“CPSA”) is to represent Counselling Psychologyand the practise of Counselling Psychologists in South Africa.CPSA is a voluntary association of members governed by a Constitution and various...

Counselling Psychology SA (CPSA)

Counselling Psychology SA (CPSA)

IntroductionCounselling Psychology SA (hereinafter referred to as “CPSA”) is a newly founded organisation. The organisation is registered as a Non-profit Organisation (NPO) with registration number 2019/263785/08.An executive committee has been elected and...

Meet the CPSA Executive Committee

President (Vacant)

Michael Webber

Michael Webber

Vice-President, legal matters

Mike Webber is a counselling psychologist in private practice at the Netcare Blaauwberg Hospital in Sunningdale, Cape Town. He has previously practiced at the Milnerton Mediclinic and Constantiaberg haematology unit (Sunflower ward and bone marrow transplant unit). He has been in private practice for 13 years. Prior to graduating with a M.Soc.Sci (Counselling psychology) Cum Laude, and registering as a counselling psychologist in 2006, he served for over 25 years in an operational capacity in the SAPS and fire & emergency services in various cities around South Africa. He has completed the Primary and Advanced Practicums in Rational-Emotional & Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (REBT) presented here in Cape Town by the Albert Ellis Institute, and “Brain-based Therapy” with Prof John Arden. He has also undergone training with Prof Dave Edwards of the Schema Therapy Institute of South Africa (STISA) and holds the South African Diploma in Schema Therapy. He is also a member of the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST).

Mike works primarily in a health psychology context in the hospital with both adolescents and adults at the hospital. He also works with outpatients with mood disorders, anxiety disorders, trauma and anger management.

Samantha Holle

Samantha Holle

Member Portfolio

Samantha Holle is a Counselling Psychologist who completed her MA Counselling Psychology degree at the University of Pretoria. Her private practice has been operating for more than 14 years. She has been involved in the Glynnview Psychiatric Hospital for over 15 years. Samantha is on the board of Directors at the Glynnview and manages the group therapy programme as well as the adolescent unit. Samantha is founder and part of the treating team at the Morehill Rehabilitation Centre.

Sandra Murphy

Sandra Murphy


Emile Vermaas

Emile Vermaas

Exucutive Officer

Emile Vermaas is a psychologist in private practice in Robertson, and has been serving on the CPSA EXCO since 2019.

He has a special interest in neurodiversity (Autism Spectrum; Attention Deficit; etc) diagnoses and management. He consults part-time for an outpatient neurodiversity-focussed clinic, where he collaborates with psychiatrists, psychologists, occupational therapists, and speech therapists on various cases.

After graduating from the NWU in Potchefstroom in 2010, he spent a 4 years practising psychology in the military, before opening his own practice in the Western Cape in 2015. He and his beautiful wife have two beagles, who like to sit on couches and steal food from tables.

Philé Moller

Philé Moller


Phia Kotzé

Phia Kotzé


Special interest:
Psychodynamic conceptualisation
object relations orientation
Adjustment, depression and anxiety
Selective work with children and young adults presenting with secondary anxiety and trauma
Keen Jungian interest

Saneth Dreyer

Saneth Dreyer


Dr Dreyer is a HPCSA registered Counselling Psychologist since 1985.                 

She obtained her PhD in 2004.

She has been working in the student counselling environment for 25 years and in the employee wellness environment for 5 years. She also had a private practice on a part-time as well as full-time basis

She is currently in full time private practice since July 2017 to date.

She was a committee member during her career at the following places:

  • University Council member – VUT.
  • Hospice; FAMSA.
  • Quality Enhancement Project Council for Higher Education – NWU.
  • Access and Success forum – NWU
  • President: Southern African Association for Counselling and Development in Higher Education (SAACDHE) 2015.
  • Exco Counselling Psychology of South Africa.

 Her Ad Hoc Activities was:

  • Three [3] articles published in accredited national and international psychological journals:
  • External examiner of Masters (8) and Doctoral (9) thesis.
  • Published a book on couple’s marital guidance.
  • Organiser:  International conferences – Emotional Intelligence, Psycho Neuro Immunology (PNI), SAADCHE Conference 2014.
  • Presented several papers at different national and international conferences
  • Presentation of several national training workshops for both staff and students and the broader community in the field of psychology.
  • Expert advisor for Employee Wellness programmes at Telkom and the Department of Tourism.


Nature, animals, relaxing and taking long walks in the country or on the beach.

Anneline Reetley

Anneline Reetley


Anneline Reetley is a counselling psychologist based in private practice and at the Glynnview Life Healthcare hospital. She holds a master’s degree in Community Psychology and Psychology (2005). Anneline is a director at Brainwave Careers (NPC) that conducts large scale career assessments and guidance in the underprivileged sector. She has a keen interest in the intersection between faith and mental health.

Contact Us

Create understanding, unity and fair representation within the field of Psychology in South Africa.